Recent DiscussionsMost RecentMost ViewedDocumenting lifecycle testing We're looking to enhance our documentation process for lifecycle testing and would love to hear what’s working for others! Do you have any templates or strategies that help effectively track experime...Referral Strategy Hello Braze Community! I’m currently working on creating a referral strategy to drive new user acquisition through our most engaged users. I’d like to start a thread with all of you to gather inspir...How to get started with Braze AI My company is a B2B banking platform, and our current product marketing approach follows a traditional deterministic model, relying on 'if-then' logic. However, we want to move beyond static flowchar...Forward utm parameters from landing page Hi team -- We are now adopting landing pages in order to drive paid media to a lead capture form but want to be able to forward the utm parameters of the affiliate link that drove there so it contin...Liquid arrays personalization Hello everyone I'm trying to implement this liquid code in one of my templates: {% assign combinedResults = canvas_entry_properties.${data}.results | concat: canvas_entry_properties.${data}.featured...Replenishment Campaigns Hi We sell a products that gets replenished every 30-40 days or so. We want to send a campaign that asks users 30-40 days after they purchased if they are ready to replenish the product. We would...GET call to backend API in canvas? Hello! I recently posted a question regarding a canvas, but our needs have shifted so I am starting a new post. How/is it possible to make a GET call to our BE to retrieve the status of a user be...Frequency Cap Hierarchy Hi! I am wanting to implement frequency capping for my Braze instance. At the moment our main form of channel is Push which will continue. I am wanting to create a almost hierarchy, so e.g. user r...Decision Split Timing Hello! I am currently working on a canvas and I have implemented time based decision splits with "if user received the post notification in a step and last performed X custom event less than 1 hour a...Help: Liquid logic, conditional messaging & nested custom attributes. Hello! I need help understanding where i'm going wrong with my conditional messaging. Is it possible to search and dynamically pull a specific value from a nested profile using Liquid code in a Braz...