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Welcome to the Test and Learn AMA!

Community Manager

Hi all! Thanks so much @Guendalina and @dylancarpe for hosting us today. Let's get started with the first question... @Guendalina Can you share more about the testing strategy at BlaBlaCar?



Hello, thanks for having me here today.
At BlaBlaCar we want to make sure as much as possible that everything we send to our members has a positive impact on activity and is the most engaging version we could come up with. For this reason we both test different content to maximize member's engagement towards the comms and we test the incremental impact of our programs vs a control group that does not receive anything.

Practitioner III

@Guendalina @dylancarpe what different types of testing cadences should we be considering using Braze?

Active Member

Hi Maggie & Guendalina, 

Guendalina, What are the most important elements to consider in Braze to begin effectively testing? 

Hi @ashley_rosen great question - you should consider the following:

  • 1) Determine what to test
    • Examples: Subject lines, Personalization, Copy, Timing, Channels
  • 2) Set a hypothesis
    • Make a clear hypothesis about what you’re testing. 
    • Example hypothesis: The use of emojis will have a higher open rate
  • 3) Be mindful of statistical significance
    • Use the analytics - be sure to evaluate the significance of the uplift
  • 4) Be thoughtful about the timing of your test
    • Consider testing over longer periods of time to increase reliability
  • 5) Use control groups
    • Control groups are essential in testing a hypothesis and setting a benchmark for engagement to compare marketing efforts