Forum Discussion
Another question on testing for BlaBlaCar - Test and Learn AMA
Guendalina Another question for you - If you had to choose one successful test you ran at BlaBlaCar to share with the community, which one would it be?
- GuendalinaSupporter
It’s the great uplift generated by our Verified Profile program: we tested this program aimed at encouraging people to verify their profile (verify their email, phone number, ID) and we kept a 20% control group that didn’t receive any message. The uplift we saw in the adoption of the VP feature was huge, +700% in treatment group vs CG. The highest uplift ever generated in CRM at BBC! The test was easy to put in place thanks to the new canva flow Experiment Path component that allowed us to add the split treatment/control group exactly where we wanted in the flow and simplified the monitoring of the performances a lot compared to the old canva flow setup. Next on our testing calendar is to try the Winning Path new feature out to save some time and automate the selection of the winning path.