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Forum Discussion

diegoPabelo's avatar
12 months ago

Automatically send hyper-personalized messaging to subscribers

I’m curious if there is a way to hyper-personalize messages  to each subscriber based on various attributes I’ve collected about them using some integration with ChatGPT (or similar Gen AI tool) 



  • Hey diegoPabelo 👋

    It would be best to move this question to the main forum as you'll get more answers but since we're here, I have successfully added OpenAI to an in-app message using Javascript since they can handle that, but it was purely to see if it is possible. We are not using it in any sort of production messaging.

    The bigger consideration here is that if you are going to head down this path, you would essentially be moving data out of your Braze instance and into for example OpenAI. This opens a whole can of privacy worms depending on the data you are using, as it now also exists on OpenAI's server, something users may not be stoked about. 

    I have a somewhat entertaining crash course on how to add OpenAI this on YouTube:
    Building AI checkout pages with HTML, CSS and JavaScript (

    All the best with the idea😊