Forum Discussion
Small But Mighty - Programming Schedule May - October
Hello, members of the good ship, Small but Mighty đź’Ş
My name is Michael, I am a Team Lead in our Customer Success Department at Braze and part of the team involved in creating programming for our Small But Mighty Community.
On that topic, I want to share some of the sessions we have planned for the next six months. The precise dates (as well as invites) for each of these will be shared closer to the time but we want to give you all a heads-up on what sort of sessions you can expect to see coming soon!
May - Creating Time Efficiencies with Webhooks and the User Update Step ⏰
June - How CRM and Technical Teams can work better together! 👨🏽‍💻 👩🏿‍💻 We'll be joined by a member of our Solution Architect team who will guide us on how to speak the language of technical teams when working on joint initiatives involving Braze.
July - We'll be covering the 4 T's Philosophy: Targeting, Triggering, Templating and Tracking ft. Special Guests from our Technical Support team who will showcase best practices on getting answers from Support as quickly as possible đź›
August - SBM Show and Tell! We want to have our first session wholly presented by you! 🤴 👸🏽 Expect to see feats of technical / marketing brilliance from your peers. P.S: Please get in touch if you would like to present 🙂
September - Low-Lift automated campaigns/canvases you could build today! 🤖 This session will focus on areas of low-lift, high-impact and what automated campaigns can be created in Braze to drive value without requiring mass amounts of efforts outside of the CRM team.
October - Audience Sync: Refresh and Deep Dive - We'll be covering Braze's ability to sync data to platforms such as Facebook Audiences and Google Ads and explaining the best practices of targeting users in these platforms using the data we have in Braze.
All of the above session ideas were crafted using the feedback we received from those SBM members who were kind enough to give us some of their time to explain what programming would be most impactful to those operating in smaller teams. I would like to thank them again for that time and also encourage anyone else who has great ideas on the type of sessions they would like to see to please reach out and arrange some time with myself.
Have a wonderful day all!
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