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lisavuong's avatar
15 days ago

Images for email in desktop and mobile

Hi, I am new to Braze and am still familiarising myself with the platform. I've tried to search for an answer to the below but had no luck. 

I am trying to build an email template and wanted to know if there was a way to set an image to display in desktop and a different image to display in mobile. Basically, I want to use image that is sized for desktop and an image that is sized for mobile. 

Appreciate if anyone is able to help! Thank you

  • Hi lisavuong! Click on an image block and find the option at the bottom of the right-side menu, as shown on the screenshot. The default option is "off" but you can use the desktop and mobile icons to indicate where not to show a block. 


  • Hi lisavuong! Click on an image block and find the option at the bottom of the right-side menu, as shown on the screenshot. The default option is "off" but you can use the desktop and mobile icons to indicate where not to show a block.