Forum Discussion
Braze & Non-Frequent Purchase Companies
Hi Jovana, nice to meet you! I'd love to learn a bit more; are you facing any particular difficulties or limitations due to the non-frequent nature of your business?
I would still suggest using Braze Purchase Events to log revenue so you can start building LTV on each user profile. Hopefully, there's fewer complications as your purchases aren't as frequent as you mentioned, but logging revenue could open up some options for your future campaign targeting.
Let me know if you have any questions!
- jovanakovac2 years agoSupporter
Of course, we are using purchase events and logging revenue. We are actively running 3-4 campaigns. Mainly as audience sync and also campaigns during the travel period + cart abandonment.
To answer your questions, the difficulties we are facing is what kind of campaigns and canvases we can run post purchase without spamming our travellers - while at the same time trying to push for more trips.