Forum Discussion

Bonfire-Champ's avatar
Active Member II
2 years ago

Canvas Entry Property question

Hi all, Building a template which contains a Canvas_Entry_Property but this doesn't display when you preview or test send.
  • Anyone know a better way around this rather triggering a real event into a live canvas?
  • Ideally don't want to set the canvas live to test it 
  • Bonfire-Champ's avatar
    Active Member II
    Hey - if you've got sample data that would be sent for your canvas entry property then you can do this:
    {% assign userData = api_trigger_properties.${test} %}
    {% assign data = userData.canvas_entry_properties %}
    (I'm using the variable name data but match that to whatever you're using). Then you paste your data (json or whatever it may be) into the api trigger properties field.

  • Bonfire-Champ's avatar
    Active Member II

    If you hit preview and test, and switch "Preview Message As User" to a custom user, you can manually input a value for the event.