Forum Discussion
Email Templates HTML Bug
Hi arella and welcome to Braze!
Sometimes when using liquid such as content blocks it can create unintended whitespace around the liquid but not always. This may not be the issue in your case but you can try the following liquid and attempt to remove whitespace.
{% capture your_variable %} {{content_blocks.${your_content_block}}} {% endcapture %}{{your_variable | strip}}
There is more detail on it here:
Content Blocks (
'capture' literally captures whatever string is inside it. This allows you to take that string and do other things to it such as 'strip' the whitespace from it. You can also create complex strings inside capture and store them in a single variable.
More on that here if you want to start going deeper:
Variable – Liquid template language (
Worst case you still need to contact support but you now have capture in your toolbelt 🤣
Let us know how you go.
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