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Forum Discussion

raingen's avatar
5 months ago

Hi Y'all

Hey there, I'm Vanessa! I'm super excited to be part of the Braze Bonfire community. I'm really focusing on honing my skills in developer email marketing and working towards digital marketing roles with a focus on analytics and strategy. ๐Ÿ˜Š When I'm not buried in programming or hitting the books, I'm usually hanging out with my stepson, gaming, chilling with our adorable pups, or exploring new places with my hubby. Our 3 furbabies definitely keep me on my toes: Stella, a 15-year-old Dachshund (Bosses the whole family); Logan, a 7-year-old German Hunt Terrier (Jadgterrier); and our newest addition, 1-year-old Hazel, who's a delightful mix of Corgi, Poodle, Dachshund, Pekingese, Schnauzer, Cocker Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, and Mini Aussie. ๐Ÿพ

  • eakinsey's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Welcome to Bonfire! All your furbabies sound lovely but wow - 15! Stella sounds like a gem <3 

    • raingen's avatar

      Stella is a firecracker and keeps everyone on their toes. She bounce barks at my husband if he doesn't serve her dinner on time. LOL.

  • Welcome! Developer and marketer sounds like a great mix. What games are you into?