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sydneymack_'s avatar
2 years ago

Hi there, I'm Sydney 👋

🗺Where I'm from: Utopia, Ontario in Canada (Yes, I swear it exists!) 🇨🇦

🏠Where I live now: St. Catharines, Ontario.

💼What I do now: Currently I am a Marketing Automation Coordinator for I joined in April of 2022; this was my first role using Braze and I am loving it!

😍A brand I admire: I am a daily user of Spotify. I have always been a music buff but I especially love Spotify's app experience and they are continuously innovating new ways to bring people together through music (i.e. Annual Recaps, Music Blends, etc.)

🌎Favorite trip I've ever taken: That's a tough one! It is a toss up between my honeymoon in Cancun and a road trip I took to Nova Scotia. Two things that those trips have in common: amazing food and good company.

  • EmilyCalderon's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Welcome, Sydney! 👋 I am also a big Spotify lover. Can't wait to see what they do next 😉