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Theresa's avatar
2 years ago

Segmenting by App Build Number

Hi all,

Trying to make sure that the correct audiences get entered into the right canvases! 

I'm hoping to make all folks on app build 17.0 or above get Canvas A while I want everyone below app build 17.0 to get Canvas B. My initial thought was to set it up this way, but I'm having issues in testing of getting the wrong canvas. Does this need to be an and statement? Would that not cause issue since folks aren't on both IOS and Android? How should I set this up to behave as expected?


  • There are a couple of ways to set this up, but before I write about that, I have to bring up the fact that employees get different experience because they use the product differently and more than the regular consumer. Your testing issues may be because of that - if your Braze profile has registered a device where the app version is prior to v17. You only need to match one of the conditions to be eligible for the canvas. 

    You could create 4 segments:

    • Android users - above 17
    • Android users - below 17
    • iOS users - above 17
    • iOS users - below 17

    This is your canvas entry audience - applied with "segment membership" and the "OR" operator. Then, you take users down the correct path using an audience split. If you want two separate canvases, that's fine too - you can use the same settings with 2 segments in each canvas. 

    The second way to do this would be to throw all app users in a canvas with the filters you currently have. Then you split iOS and Android with decision splits or audience paths. Then, you'd need another canvas for the "above v17" users. 

    Let me know if this is helpful.