Accessing a recent event with Liquid in a scheduled message?
I know that I can access the event properties with Liquid if I use the event to trigger the message. But is it possible to get the most recent event by name, and then use the properties of the event using Liquid in a scheduled message that isn't triggered by the event?25Views0likes2CommentsAPI Triggered Event Push Reporting
Hi all, My team is currently facing a reporting challenge. We are sending push via an API triggered event through a canvas. Users can re-enter this canvas multiple times per day and the out of the box reporting only provides us with an aggregate canvas reporting so we are unable to see conversions and data based on each triggered event. Example: Our content team triggers breaking news from CMS directly to a pre-configured canvas. The push targets a specific canvas ID which is used for all breaking news notifications. This occurs multiple times per day. User Story AS A Content Manager, I WANT to see reporting on each push message, SO THAT I can understand push performance Is it possible to see reporting of each triggered event so that we can see how these individual push message are performing? So far we have found a dispatch ID. Are we heading in the right direction? Cheers, Ethan174Views0likes0CommentsPush Preferences
Does Braze offer a 1st-party solution to allow end users to selectively enable/disable push notifications by some kind of category? For example, a user may want to opt out of marketing push notifications but still receive shopping cart reminders or new content notifications? Or is there a recommended approach to delivering this kind of functionality to mobile users?355Views0likes2CommentsPush Primer In App request not working
Hi! Context: As goal, we want to update the user profile, subscribing the user to push notification and after that, request permission in the user mobile/device to allow receive push notifications; How are we trying this? I'm currently using the appboyBridge to make some updates in the user profile, etc. After updating the user profile (subscription), we are triggering the function to request the user permission to display notification its mobile/device. The way we're doing this is by calling appboyBridge.registerAppboyPushMessages() Everything else is working but, when debugging (using "alert" - workaround), the flow is broken when we call the method. Any idea on what's happening?315Views0likes1CommentHow would you send pushes based on user search activity?
Hi Bonfire! We're trying to implement a new use case for push notifications where we notifyany user who has performed a search on our mobile app when there is a new item that matches their previous searches. We have two main events passing through Braze related to this use case: 1) We emit a custom event when consumers search in our app - let's call the event "Clothing Searched". We pass properties on that event that specify the filters that a consumer included on their search, for example "Size" and "Gender". 2) We emit a custom event when suppliers add new items to our marketplace - let's call the event "New Item Added". We pass properties on that event that specify the attributes of that item that match up with our search filters. Our goal is to send a push notification to the consumer when a supplier adds a new item that matches their previous search. Is there any way to set up a single Canvas (or a Campaign?) that would handle this logic? Ideally we don't have to make multiple segments or canvases as there are quite a few attributes that a search/item could have.265Views0likes1CommentFollowed the setup for braze expo notification but the push is not completly working
I just need a bit clarity of the setup steps are for braze-expo push notifs, I started to doubt the setup when I saw another document that you have to generate and register a push token. What I ended up doing is installing expo-notifications generate a token and push it to braze. Is installing braze-expo enough?, is this documentation enough to make it work? or do I need to do extra steps to make it work?98Views0likes0CommentsAdd custom push action button
HI I am new to braze, I am trying to find out if it is possible to add two buttons to a push. Allowing the user todifferentiate a user decision and then pass that to the app,? How does that come through to the app, and then how do we know which option the users picks?96Views0likes0CommentsTransferring Push Tokens- advice
Hi - We are transferring our push tokens from OneSignal to Braze. I was wondering if anyone here has advice for best practices when moving push notifications. From what we understand, we are forced to ask users to Re-opt in to push notifications, but I was wondering if there's a way to transfer tokens without asking users to re-opt in. Any thoughts?305Views0likes2Comments