Forum Discussion

AllanHeo's avatar
9 months ago

Braze Tutorial: How To Log Promo Codes As A Custom Attribute

“A friendly reminder that your promo code expires tonight! Please find your old email from 2 weeks ago, and be sure to redeem your promo for 25% off!”

👎🏻 BOO. Let’s change that message to:

“A friendly reminder that your promo code expires tonight! Be sure to redeem your code 25FORNOW for 25% off!”

  • Wow Allan, thats magic and honestly I was looking for a solution exactly about this issue. We are using promo codes feature on daily basis and the biggest struggle is to track which code is shared with which user.

    Gonna share the results once I try! Thanks.

  • Great one, Allan! Still promo code functionality by Braze can be quite limiting in terms of code attribution and tracking. If you're looking for something more advanced to for instance assign individual codes to customers and track them throughout their lifecycle, I recommend connecting a Promotion Engine, such as Voucherify, to Braze.