Google Tag Manager

Forum Discussion

ConorIrvine's avatar
2 years ago

How can I target users that received a message with tag 'ABC' in a certain time period

Hey bonfirers (that's a word right?)

Bit of a random one that I'm a little stumped on solving. I'm trying to target any users that received a message tagged with "ABC" in April.

I can't use the segmentation filter 'Last received message from Campaign or Canvas with tag' because most users will have received messages with that tag already in May.

Does anyone have any clever workarounds they can share?


  • Hello fellow Bonfirer (I agree that's the word LOL)

    Can you not bracket them in two tag filters with date ranges? (have not tried it in production but looks like it works in segments). I have found sometimes you need to go an extra day either side to capture all of the month, so worth testing what works for your use case.


    • ConorIrvine's avatar

      Thanks DavidO, unfortunately not as the date filter will only apply to the last message a user received with a tag. Meaning if I received tag ABC on the 20th April, tag DEF on the 30th April and ABC on 3rd May the segmentation would only reference May for ABC. 

      • DavidO's avatar

        Hmm. I didn't realise that but I've learnt something new. ๐Ÿ˜Š Tricky one.

  • Hi ConorIrvine , did you have an answer for this one at all through any source? it will be good to know how you solved this, if you have already ๐Ÿ™‚


    • ConorIrvine's avatar

      Hey Rajorigin currently working through a solution on this using the new query builder function in Braze. Iโ€™m hopeful ๐Ÿคž