Forum Discussion
Changing currency code to a symbol & title case conversion for multiple words
- 11 months ago
As for the capitalization, there you go:
For the currency, you can use a liquid that would refer to the attribute/property and convert it via case logic:{% assign currency_code = "USD" %}
{% case currency_code %}
{% when 'USD' %}
{% when 'EUR' %}
{% when 'GBP' %}
{% else %}
{{ currency_code }}
{% endcase %}
You can use the currency code as a default fallback.
Here you can pick the currency codes: - 11 months ago
Hi l3nxie101 nice to meet you as well.
To add to Dany 's great response regarding capitalization using arrays, I also have a video about using 'for loops' in Braze that can help you not only understand what is happening with the array but allow you to build out increased levels of complexity for your use case.
Happy Brazing!
Discover the power of liquid for loops in Braze: Beginner tutorial (
Hi l3nxie101 nice to meet you as well.
To add to Dany 's great response regarding capitalization using arrays, I also have a video about using 'for loops' in Braze that can help you not only understand what is happening with the array but allow you to build out increased levels of complexity for your use case.
Happy Brazing!
Discover the power of liquid for loops in Braze: Beginner tutorial (
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