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suarezlorenzo7's avatar
2 months ago

User Data Export with callback endpoint

Hey hey! Hope y'all doing well.

Has anyone ever exported User Data using not currents but a callback endpoint?

I'm currently trying to automate exporting user data from a given segment using a callback endpoint. I'm using a Pub/Sub topic in GCP to do this. The problem is that I don't fully understand the mechanisms on how Braze publishes the URL to download the folder containing the user data in the payload response, after the API call.

For example, if I'm exporting a big segment (10k+), the response from Braze is immediate:

  "message": "success",
  "object_prefix": "812ad47c-451b-4d0a-b158-6d33713ba07b-1734705464",
  "url": null

But the URL is still not available (probably due to the size of the segment).

My idea was to set a Pub/Sub topic which would be populated with the URL once it is ready, but I don't know what is the mechanism that Braze uses to update the URL in the payload response.

I know it's a narrow specific problem, but any ideas, suggestions, or provocations would be of amazing enlightenment to me.

Thank you!

  • Hi, Dave. Thank you for responding. 
    I have done this same export using Braze Currents, and in this case, yes, the response is defaulted to the GCS bucket that I've linked it to.
    What I'm trying to do now, though, is to export that same endpoint but using "callback_endpoint" as a parameter to the User Data POST API call.
    I'm doing this so this solution is usable in accounts that do not necessarily have a Currents role available to use. 


  • Do you have google cloud storage configured? Export API responses will default to storing the data in GCS if configured. I've used for AWS S3 in past, but should be same behaviour if you have a default GCS location configured.