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Forum Discussion

EthanH's avatar
2 years ago

API Triggered Event Push Reporting

Hi all,

My team is currently facing a reporting challenge. We are sending push via an API triggered event through a canvas. Users can re-enter this canvas multiple times per day and the out of the box reporting only provides us with an aggregate canvas reporting so we are unable to see conversions and data based on each triggered event. 


Our content team triggers breaking news from CMS directly to a pre-configured canvas. The push targets a specific canvas ID which is used for all breaking news notifications. This occurs multiple times per day.

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AS A Content Manager, I WANT to see reporting on each push message, SO THAT I can understand push performance


Is it possible to see reporting of each triggered event so  that we can see how these individual push message are performing? So far we have found a dispatch ID. Are we heading in the right direction? 




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