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How to prepare for the upcoming Yahoo and Gmail changes AMA starting!

Community Manager

Hi all! We're kicking off the AMA on the upcoming Yahoo and Gmail changes now! Welcome @Goot and @eperez, thank you both for hosting! Why don't you all give us a quick intro in thread here? 


Practitioner II

Hey everybody! I'm a Deliverability Principal at Braze and post deliverability tips on LinkedIn. Happy to be here and answer your questions!

Hi! We use a custom preference center for our unsubscribe data. Where will the one click unsub data be stored/passed?

Practitioner II

Hey there! The one-click unsubscribe is a different functionality from a preference center, but if you're using something custom it'd be best to check with your CSM or a support representative to see where that data is stored.

Braze Employee

Hi there! This is Esther, and I'm a Deliverability Principal here at Braze. I help my clients abide by deliverability best practices to optimize their email program.