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Forum Discussion

st-haingo's avatar
Active Member II
2 months ago

How to Use the standard user attribute in the Connected audience object filter

from the API side, I followed the document here to create an audience filter and send a message to the audience after this filter. But the document only mentions using custom attributes: {    "cus...
  • eakinsey's avatar
    2 months ago

    🤦‍♀️ I think I misinterpreted the docs!  Sorry about that, st-haingo The correct approach for filtering based on standard user attributes in the Braze API is indeed to use custom_attribute, and I appreciate your patience.

    To clarify, the correct structure for your audience filter when using standard user attributes should look like this:

      "custom_attribute": {
        "custom_attribute_name": "country",
        "comparison": "equals",
        "value": "VN"

    So this means that in your API request body for scheduling a message, you should structure it like this:

      "messages": {
        "apple_push": {
          "alert": {
            "title": "良い一日を!",
            "body": "I hope 2024 is going to be a better year for this world 12"
          "message_variation_id": ""
      "campaign_id": "",
      "schedule": {
        "time": "2024-11-20T00:50:00+0000"
      "audience": {
        "AND": [
            "custom_attribute": {
              "custom_attribute_name": "country",
              "comparison": "equals",
              "value": "VN"

    If that still doesn't work let me know, or you can always get in touch with support. But I'm gonna tag in some other Braze experts here to validate me (I'm still really new at JSON!) -- DavidO or AllanHeo or Manoj__ any chance you can double check my work? 😅