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InApp surveys

I work with an ecommerce (fast food company), and we want to set up a survey that appears to the user in the app 2 hours after they place their order. The survey consists of a single question to rate their order from 1-5, and depending on the rating,...

Irene148 by Active Member
  • 1 replies
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InApp surveys

I work with an ecommerce (fast food company), and we want to set up a survey that appears to the user in the app 2 hours after they place their order. The survey consists of a single question to rate their order from 1-5, and depending on the rating,...

Irene148 by Active Member
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Redshift cloud data ingestion

Hi folks,I am planning on using Cloud data ingestion in Braze and now my pipelines are setup via API pushes to Braze. I am interested to know the insights from someone that have already got this on redshift and if all API endpoints such as user/track...

Data migration Braze <> Braze best practice

Hi!I'm working on migrating data from one braze instance to another and I have some questions regarding best practices that I haven't been able to find in any braze documentation.Is there a QA template or checklist for testing after a data migration ...