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Movable Ink & Braze

Hi all, can anyone please share their experiences using Movable Ink? Have you found there are things you can't do directly in Braze that you can with Movable Ink? Or are there workarounds for things like calendar reminders, countdown timers, social s...

abenton by Practitioner II
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Resolved! How to change the date format in an email using liquid

Hi everybody, greetings from Germany!I want to display the date format of a custom property in an email in a different way.In the propery, we save the date in this format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.I'd like to display the property in the email in this form...

How do I make an email template mobile responsive?

I created an email template using the Blank Template option.  It looks great on desktop but terrible on mobile devices.I looked under the email settings page, but I do not see an option to make it mobile responsive.  How do I do this?

MetroBOS by Active Member
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Email Capture Form for Web

Hi, Braze hive mind!My team is looking for a way to set up a simple web form on our website for users to sign up to receive marketing emails from our brand. We would like for these names/emails to be sent directly to Braze and merged with our larger ...

arella by Practitioner
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