Forum Discussion

diana32lynn's avatar
Active Member
7 days ago

Email HTML/CSS Consultant

Hi! We are looking for a long term HTML/CSS consultant or agency to help us create custom emails and in-apps for Braze. Does anyone here have any leads?

  • bravelabs's avatar
    Active Member

    Hi Diana, Let's discuss together your needs and see if I'm able to help you further. I've helped multiple promising brands with their campaigning. 

    Looking forward hearing from you!

  • Hi Diana! We help with this kind of work all the time! Let me know if you want to hop on a call - I'd love to learn more and share with you how we've helped some of our clients!

  • TedScott's avatar
    Practitioner III

    This might be better suited for the job board.

    There are a few agencies who specialize in Braze, one of them is Massive Rocket.
