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A/B Testing Resource

Braze Employee

Our Customer Success team developed a testing framework and worksheet you can use to bring that framework to life! You can access the worksheet here

The framework is IDEAL. 

Ideate: First, we ideate with intention. To avoid testing in isolation, try to identify a high-level goal that you might want to achieve or a key business metric that you want to move. A single motivation (ie. drive first search) can lead to multiple hypotheses and tests; however, the end goal remains the same.

Design: With an idea in place, we move onto designing the test. This includes setting a clear hypothesis you'll be testing. 

ExecuteWith the design in place, we can move on to the execution stage. This is where sample size starts to. matter. 

AnalyseNext, you move on to analysis. First, check the numbers with some of our Braze reporting tools like Funnel reports or our Canvas Variant reporting.

Learn: Now, we learn! This is where we make sense of the results. Which can often be the hardest part! Especially if our originally hypothesis wasn’t well formed or was maybe even disproven.