data transformation
9 TopicsWebhook Issues - Writing New Array Custom Attribute to Users Profile
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me with my Braze to Braze webhook custom attribute update issue I am having with an array attribute. Long story short, I have setup the webhook like you normally would for a custom attribute update but when I try and test with the array custom attribute it never writes to the test users profile even when I get a 201 message. I don't have the issue with non-array attributes. I have added the json code below i am using [minus actual API key and the real attribute name). Is there something wrong with it? Anyone's help here would be much appreciated! POST Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer [API KEY] { "attributes": [ { "external_id": "{{${user_id}}}", "[Array Custom Attribute Name]": "[Data To Add to Array Attribute]" } ] }262Views1like1Comment