Forum Discussion
Decision Split Timing
Hello! I am currently working on a canvas and I have implemented time based decision splits with "if user received the post notification in a step and last performed X custom event less than 1 hour ago- the no path should proceed to the next notification. However, when I launched and tested with a specific user in real time, I received all push notifications at the same time. The idea is that a user can dynamically move through the paths in real time when they complete the action without being held in a delay.. but it seems the time based action does not work like I hoped. Do I have to add delays? Will this keep the user from being able to proceed if/when they complete the step before said timeframe? Thanks!
- AshleedolanCollaborator
Thanks everyone. We are needing to shift gears to accommodate new FE features here.. so I have started a new discussion. GET call to backend API in canvas? | Braze Bonfire - 4337
- PeytonFNMCollaborator
Hey Ashleedolan! Echoing Arso on this one that an action path would be the way to go. This lets you hold users for a certain amount of time while waiting for them to take some kind of action before moving them to the next step. Action paths act as a time-based buffer, giving users time to do something (or not do something) before deciding their next step. On the other hand, a decision split evaluates the user right at that moment and determines what to do with them immediately.
- ArsoExpert
Hi Ashleedolan! Decision splits are not the solution to what you're trying to build.
Try adding an action path instead.
- The canvas is triggered when a user opens the app.
- User immediately enters action path.
- Set the action path window to 1 hour.
- Define Group 1 (and label it) as users who "performed custom event create_community"
- Leave the "Everyone else" group intact.
- Connect Group 1 to the webhook.
- Connect Everyone else to the push.
With this setup, if users don't create a community within one hour, they will be sent to the webhook and to the other canvas. If they do perform the event, they will be sent to the next step - the push notification immediately, as soon as they perform the event.
If you want all users, even those who create a community, to stay in the action path for the full hour and not proceed as soon as they perform the event, you can check the box that says "Hold users until the end of the evaluation window and advance based on ranked order."
I'm curious about why you have a second canvas, instead of having the invite in the same canvas. - AshleedolanCollaborator
I started testing so I added in delays for now - but for example: These users are identified in a segment and enter on action of opening the app to the community page. The idea is that these users will be able to reach each decision split and if they have NOT performed the event (create_community) within the time frame, they receive the next push notification. If they perform the event during that time frame, they dynamically move to the yes path to continue. These will be app test users who should be moving through the process quickly, but I do not want to hold them in a delay if they do perform the event-as they are being sent to the next canvas through the api trigger listed. That second canvas holds a web hook to our backend that will auto-approve an invite event they send after creating a community and continue through next steps there.
This canvas:
-User enters community screen.
-Verifies if they have created community within 1 hour.
-If not- Sends initial push notification to create a community. If yes - sends braze-to-braze web hook for next canvas where they get a notification to send an invite.
-Verifies if they have created community within 1 day.
-If not - Sends reminder push notification. If yes - sends braze-to-braze web hook for next canvas where they get a notification to send an invite.
-Verifies if they created community within 1 day.
-If yes - sends braze-to-braze web hook for next canvas where they get a notification to send an invite. - PeytonFNMCollaborator
Hey Ashleedolan Could you share a picture of the canvas structure and the settings you’ve got for the decision split steps?
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